Fast Search Platform
We offer a fully customized search solution on our platform with Co Branded Serp Pages or XML search feeds to integrate into your product. With a tier 1 feed you can be assured of great advertiser and GEO coverage. We offer some of the most aggresive revenue shares in the industry. We offer Tier 1 and Shopping / Coupon xml feeds.

Publisher Monetization Solutions (Including In-text)
Tested and perfected over the years we offer a suite of best in house monetization solutions for publishers. Our platform lets us to easily integrate new functionality and the publisher can pick and choose what solution they would like to use.
Overlay Ads
Video Pre-rolls solution
Video Mid-Roll solution
Footer roll
Banner Ads solution
Interstitial enhancements
Retargeted ads
Secure Software Distribution with anti fraud technology
With real-time tracking and analytics our distribution platforms ensure software products are offered to the most targeted audience while you enjoy 100% transparency allowing you to focus entirely on optimization of each distribution channel. We work with browser addons, or desktop software.

We offer exclusive download products and are always looking for additional distribution for them. Our products are user friendly, follow industry best practices and are non aggressive. Please reach out to one of our account managers if you have more than 5000 installs/ day and would like to be one of our distributors.

Exclusive Download products and apps